Signing up is simple and once you've set up an account, you will receive a package with two 125g bags of different single-origin coffee varieties from around the world in the post, as frequently as you like, from every week to every 6 weeks. The six-week option is great for people like me who like the convenience of a coffee-delivery service but also enjoy picking out their own coffee at London roasters. You can have the coffee ground for you, but I prefer to grind the beans myself. The website itself is well designed and easy to use.
My first coffee delivery arrived within a couple of days of placing the order and I got one bag of Nicaraguan coffee from Santa Rita Estate and one variety from Sierra de Agalta in Honduras. To be honest, I would prefer to be able to select myself which coffees I receive, as I can with Pact Coffee — I know my taste in coffee and I know what works well with the Aeropress brew method I use — but Bean & Ground do a great job at providing a diverse range of coffee varieties in their bags. The only problem is, I guess, that if you really disliked a particular coffee, there isn't a way of preventing them from sending it — or similar varieties — in the future.
That being said, the quality of the two coffees I tried was really good. The Honduran variety was my favourite and brewed in an Aeropress, it had the smooth, rich flavour that I prefer for my morning brew. The Nicaraguan coffee had a cleaner and livelier taste, which makes for a refreshing drink during London's current warm spell. The coffee is posted within seven days of roasting, so it arrives nice and fresh.
Bean & Ground are kindly offering Double Skinny Macchiato readers a discount on their first coffee delivery, so if you're interested in trying out their service, you can get two bags of coffee for £2 (the usual price is £7.95 for two 125g bags) with the code DSMCOFFEE. Sign up here.
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