Actually, I don't really mind that much because whatever its etymology (semiology?), it is quite a useful little device and it certainly seems as though it's going to stick, so I'll just have to pretend that I really am typing out "in response to X's earlier comment" in a way that is more convenient both for me and for the reader.
For such a small symbol, @ (or "the at sign") has a pretty long Wikipedia entry; I did know that it was used to stand for that favourite vowel of mine, schwa, when the reader/recipient may not have the IPA font downloaded (philistines!) to their computer and I had forgotten some of @'s affectionate sobriquets in foreign languages: most of them focus on the snail metaphor (Italian chiocciola, Belarusian сьлімак, and Welsh malwen) but there were some more creative ones in there too: the German Klammeraffe (spider monkey - isn't it great how German makes even the most charismatic little critter sound ugly?) and the Tagalog (pronounced tuh-GAH-log) utong (nipple; well isn't it?!).
The French stole theirs from the Spanish - arobase, which, according to La Trésor de la Langue Francaise (France's less-easily searchable but free equivalent of the OED, etymology-wise), is:
Ancienne mesure de poids (variant de 11 à 15 kg) et de capacité (valant de 10 à 16 litres), encore usitée en Espagne, au Portugal et dans plusieurs pays d'Amérique latine
i.e. It's an old measure of weight (around the oh-so-precise 11-15 kg) and of volume (bizarrely, 10-16 litres), still used in
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